This is the first of my custom villagers, which I am making for my own personal use, but sharing them with everyone.
These villagers will rely mainly on emeralds as the currency for "purchasing" different items.
This villager, is the one in which it will be the simplest way to obtain emeralds/currency. I have set this up for my own preferences, so the requirements for currency are a bit more demanding than just "handing things out". I prefer it this way.
I did NOT make this villager with the intent of wanting lots of people to use them, so I really don't care if you don't like the amount of effort it requires to receive currency. Thanks :-) I have more to be published soon as I have time, including but not limited to: herbalist villager (sells saplings, vines, lilypads etc for emeralds), blacksmith (sells ores and coal, redstone, glowstone dust, lapis lazuli and etc), a chef (sells various food items including pumpkins, apples, melons, fish, carrots, potatoes etc) and more as I think of them.