There are 2 sets of armor added by this. All the armor is unbreakable. The first set:
Mob Xray Helmet: Drop a nether star, a leather cap, and 2 redstone torches. Lets you see nearby mobs through walls.
Propeller Chestplate: Drop a nether star, a leather chestplate, and 4 pistons. You sneak and look up and you will go up into the air.
Anti-Gravity Pants: Drop a nether star, a leather pants, and 8 chorus fruit. You will need to have this to use the chestplate properly. To activate hold sneak and look down. This will slow your fall and make you take 0 fall damage.
Flash Boots: Drop a nether star, leather boots, and 8 sugar. Makes you run 40% faster,
2nd Set:
Ore X-Ray: Drop a iron helmet, a nether star, and a compass. If you mine stone, you can see where diamond is.
Protective Chestplate: Drop an iron chestplate, a nether star, and 4 blaze rods. It gives you +100% armor and 20% knockback resistance.
More info later.