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Enjoy the wonderful and challenging world of Mario, the most famous plumber guy ever. There are many different genres, from the typical Mario Games to running races and even solving puzzles. You can companion with other famous game characters, like Luigi, Yoshi, or even Princess Peach in these adventures. We are happy that you have chosen to play all these famous games on Mario Games, the most dynamic site available.

Nintendo’s Super Mario series is so monumental to the medium of video games that you might even think of the mustached plumber when you hear “video games” mentioned at all. From his earliest days as “Jumpman” battling Donkey Kong, to his latest adventures on the Nintendo Switch, Mario has consistently been one of the greatest characters in video games. He’s such an iconic character that countless video games have had him as the star, and we attempted to rank them.

Arcade Donkey Kong (1981) Donkey Kong Jr. (1982) Donkey Kong 3 (1983) Mario Bros. (1983) Vs. Super Mario Bros. (1986) Donkey Kong (1983 FC, 1986 NES) Donkey Kong Jr. (1983 FC, 1986 NES) Donkey Kong Classics (1988) Mario Bros. (1983 FC, 1986 NES) Pinball (1984 FC, 1985 NES) Golf (1984 FC, 1985 NES) Wrecking Crew (1985) Super Mario Bros. (1985) Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt (1988) Super Mario Bros. 2 (1988) Super Mario Bros. 3 (1988 FC, 1990 NES) Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt/Track Meet (1990)