Forums » General » What is GST and How Its Work?


GST (Goods and service Tax) is a broad-based 10% tax on goods and service or other items sold and consumed in Australia. But some businesses do not have to pay any GST. (e.g., many basic medical, foodstuffs, and educational services, exports), input-taxed (residential accommodation, financial services, etc.), exempt (Government charges), or outside the scope of GST.

What is GST (Goods and Services Tax)? Goods and service Tax (GST) 10% is a value-added tax (VAT) added to most prices in Australia. The GST Tax is paid by consumers, but it is remitted to the Government by businesses selling the services.

Businesses or enterprises with a turnover of more than $150,000 must apply to register for GST. But if the turnover is less than the threshold $150,000, they can choose to register for GTS or not.

Generally an organization that registers for GST must stay registered for at least 12 months. Once your threshold reaches $150,000, you must apply for GST within 21 Days.