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Whatsapp GB Atualizado also known as GB WhatsApp, is a modified version of the popular messaging application WhatsApp. Developed by third-party developers, GB WhatsApp offers users additional features and customization options not found in the original WhatsApp application.

One of the key features of WhatsApp GB Atualizado is its enhanced customization options. Users can personalize their experience by changing themes, fonts, and colors, allowing them to customize the app's appearance to suit their preferences. This level of customization is not available in the official WhatsApp application, making GB WhatsApp a popular choice among users who want more control over their messaging experience.

Additionally, WhatsApp GB Atualizado offers features such as the ability to hide last seen status, blue ticks, and online status, giving users more privacy and control over their online presence. Users can also send larger files than what is allowed in the official WhatsApp application, making it easier to share media such as videos, documents, and audio files with friends and family.

However, it's worth noting that WhatsApp GB Atualizado is not an official release from WhatsApp Inc., and its use may violate WhatsApp's terms of service. Additionally, because it is a third-party application, there may be security risks associated with using it, such as the potential for malware or unauthorized access to personal data.

Despite these risks, WhatsApp GB Atualizado remains popular among users who value its additional features and customization options. However, users should exercise caution and carefully consider the potential risks before downloading and using third-party applications like GB WhatsApp.