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Cenforce 200mg is among the highest dose that you can take under this brand name featuring the generic ingredient Sildenafil Citrate.

Cenforce 200 is a medicine that allows your penis to get hard fuelling harder erections. This is a pill that you take for curing ED or erectile dysfunction. Using Cenforce is a temporary way of inducing hardened erections via the actions of Sildenafil Citrate that work in you.

Remember whether you are using the Cenforce 200mg pills or for that matter any other dose, it always is a good idea to consult your doctor first to avoid the risk of contraindications and major side effects.

About Cenforce 200 mg

Cenforce 200mg is an erection-inducing pill that allows harder erections of the penis allowing you to restore the powers of penis penetration. Cenforce 200 mg is a pill that can help you in getting harder penis erections.

The pills contain a dominating PDE-5 hormone-inhibiting substance in them that is Sildenafil Citrate which fuels higher blood flow through the penis tissues to bring harder penis erections.

Manufacturer of Cenforce 200 pills

Cenforce 200 is a pill that allows for erectile dysfunction. The manufacturer of the Cenforce 200mg is Centurion laboratories which is a reputed pharma company with its operations based entirely in India. Within the list of ED brands and more specifically with that of generic Sildenafil, Cenforce is a brand name that belongs entirely with Centurion laboratories.

With strong demand from the local market along with some minor orders from other countries, it is one of the highly used medicines in India for curing ED.

Strength and Dosage of Cenforce 200

The Cenforce 200mg pills are the highest dose that you can take within this brand. As you can confer from the dose itself that it contains 200 mg of Sildenafil in each pill. This means that taking one pill of Cenforce 120mg is as good as taking an equivalent dose of 200 mg of generic Sildenafil.

This being a high dose is generally not recommended to all except to those who are suffering from severe side effects.

Use of Cenforce 200mg having salt Sildenafil

Cenforce 200 is with salt generic Sildenafil Citrate in it which is the major ingredient within the pill that helps you to prevent ED.

This is achieved by generic Sildenafil by increasing the flow of blood to the penis tissues which raises the sensitivity within the penis.

This being the primary use there is also a secondary purpose use but that is very limited in use. Sometimes it can also be prescribed to patients for curing PAH or pulmonary arterial hypertension.