Foren » Discussions » Help with special item tags


I want to give myself a lever that can only be placed on red terracotta. I have this command: /give @p lever 1 0 {display:{Name:"Red Key"},CanPlaceOn:["stainedhardenedclay:14"]}, but it tells me "missingno" for the block to be placed on. I know this works: /give @p lever 1 0 {display:{Name:"Red Key"},CanPlaceOn:["stainedhardenedclay"]}, but then I can put it on all clay blocks and I only want it placeable on red. I am using 1.12.2 if anyone can help. Also, if it's possible, I would rather the lever be a trade from a villager, but I cannot figure out how to use the "CanPlaceOn" tag with a villager summon. Thanks.