en 1.9/1.10x /summon Potions

Hello rsgrant here. Its been a bit since my last command, and I don't have Time to make Another Command creation. so I used the time i had to make a custom Potion Shop. All the Trades were made and customized by me and at the end of the Potion Trades you'll find a trade of My Player head named "Created by rsgrant" that you can get by giving "Shawn The Scientist" 1 Piece of Coal and a Cake because "Shawn" never gets a Tasty meal even though he's a good Scientist , He's never recognized though so you have a Smart science in your world that you know about. Hope you like the potions. One More Thing - My Custom Potion Commands and Custom Fireworks and maybe even banners commands will start being in a Villager Shop from now on, so it doesn't take up too much of my time because I have a limited amount of time on my hands here and I'm using it for you guys! Be Sure to Thank me and "Shawn The Scientist" for the potions!!! :) Enjoy!

The command

Note: Minify the command to avoid issues :)

Created: Mon, 26 Sep 2016 21:31:36, Updated: Fri, 23 Dec 2016 01:27:30, Views: 22

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